Get $250 for your school when you switch to Homeroom
Jumpstart your fundraising this school year when you run your afterschool program on Homeroom. Register today and we can help you get your afterschool program up and running along with a $250 donation to fund scholarships or to cover costs.

Interested? Complete this form and we will get back to you.
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How it works
  • Complete the form above to claim your donation
  • A Homeroom team member will get back to you
    to setup your account and get started
  • Your PTO uses Homeroom to manage enrollments in your next season
  • Homeroom sends your PTO a $250 donation!
Why bring afterschool programs to campus?
of students see improvements in homework completion and class participation
of students improve their behavior in class
1 in 2
students improve their math and reading grades
of students in STEM after school programs express more interest in and knowledge about careers in science
Trusted by hundreds of schools in districts across the country
“It is always so much fun when kids are able to play with their classmates!”
“My favorite feature as a parent is quickness and no fuss to sign up for classes.”
“I love that my daughter is able to be with her friends from school and bond over a fun activity”
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