Switch your school to Homeroom today and receive a $250 donation. Learn more.
Afterschool Providers are the key to connecting school and community while leading students towards a bright future. We’re here to collaborate with and support you!
Simple online registration, payments and refunds. You just pay a 3% credit card fee.
Thrive at your current schools with instant rosters, automatic payments, and all the scheduling and attendance tools you need to keep your team on track.
We’ve developed deep relationships with local schools and we love helping our partners grow! Let us know when you’re ready to expand into new schools.
Take our booking & payments tools with you when you leave school. Homeroom works for your classes at community centers, business locations, public parks and anywhere you can imagine hosting a class.
“I would highly recommend Homeroom to anyone looking to spend less time on the computer and more time on their own projects!”
-Jennifer Linderman, Owner, Origami Mami