How to Restart Your PTO's Enrichment Program

Ruby G.
July 24, 2024
January 22, 2021
2 min read

When the school bell rings or the last Zoom meeting ends, kids no longer make their way to after school enrichment classes where they connect with friends and role models to create, build confidence and learn together in a stress-free space.

The return of after school enrichment programs are an essential element in a school’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  PTOs, PTAs and school administrators are innovating to revitalize enrichment programs to help students reconnect, persevere and access engaging, hands-on activities with friends and mentors.

Whether you’re a parent of an elementary schooler, PTO or PTA board member or school administrator, here are 5 steps you can take towards restarting your school’s enrichment program.

1. Listen to your community 

The needs of families and students have changed.  Parents may want after school classes to bridge child care gaps at new times due to changes at work, or may see more value in classes geared to social emotional learning or academic support.  

Listening is a core tenant of equitable school program development.  To enact this equity mindset and discover what your school families want in the next phase of after school programming, start with a brief survey.  Include questions on student grade, subject matter interest, safety priorities, timing and interest in scholarships. 

Here’s an example survey we created using Google Forms.  If you’d like to make a copy and use it at your school, simply copy this sheet and click “Edit Form” to access your private copy of the designed form, customize where you want, and start collecting responses.

2. Reach out to school and district leaders 

Once you have collected data from your community you’ll know how the transitional phase of your school’s enrichment program can best meet the needs of families.  This information is a powerful tool to advocate for your program with school administrators and district leaders.  

Share the family survey data with your principal and ask to be included in the discussions around protocols, schedules and safety for after school enrichment.  Here’s a sample letter via Afterschool Alliance that makes the case for including afterschool in discussions and planning around school reopening. 

3. Try online

For many schools, in-person instruction won’t be possible for some time.  After school providers have been on a learning curve for the last year and are able to deliver high-quality, interactive, hands-on activities virtually, offering many students access to the benefits of enrichment from home.  Online enrichment programs are vital in supporting and sustaining local kids activity providers in this uncertain time.  Many school enrichment organizers lean on parent volunteers or community members to supplement enrichment offerings too.

Setting up an online enrichment program is easy with Homeroom and your program can be up and running in just a couple days.  Connect with us to preview the tools, meet providers that match your school community’s interests and ask questions about how other schools are doing things.

4. Research safety guidelines for youth activities

Safety of students, families, volunteers and after school providers should be the top priority with all enrichment programs.  There are several places to check for the most up to date guidelines for youth activities.  Since local guidance may be more restrictive than state or national, it’s a good idea to start with the national guidelines and progress down to your local school district.

National: Check the CDC for guidance on Youth Sports and Summer Camps & Activities

State: Find your state Department of Public Health in this database

County: From your state page, navigate to your county.  California residents can find county specific information here.  From there you should be able to find information from your city or town and school district.

5. Start small

Managing after school enrichment during COVID-19 is an important job but it doesn’t have to be a big one.  By bringing just one online or in-person enrichment activity to your school community you’re working to close the opportunity, learning and achievement gaps that have widened during the pandemic.  

Homeroom can power a one-day class or enrichment mini-sessions at no charge to schools.  See how it works here.

If your PTO or PTA is not empowered to restart an enrichment program, consider hosting a virtual field trip for your school or classroom with Homeroom.  Our certified K-5 teachers offer engaging experiences over Zoom like a Journey to Antarctica or an exploration of Ancient Egypt. Get in touch with us to learn more.

We’re confident that after school enrichment programs will make a strong return to support families and nurture the emotional, academic and social needs of elementary schoolers.  Thank you for your work in making sure that your school community will be ready!
Join our Facebook group to connect with fellow elementary volunteers working to build strong PTAs and PTOs post COVID-19.


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