Auxiliary Programming: Financial & Communal Gain for Private Schools

Casandra S.
July 24, 2024
April 2, 2023
2 min read

Auxiliary programs are becoming an increasingly standardized part of the private school experience. There are two primary reasons for this. First, auxiliary programs offer a revenue boost to schools—one that they can funnel towards reinvestment. Second, they’re also part of how a school builds its identity and supports its community. Increasingly, the focus is on the latter. However, it’s important to understand why revenue streams from auxiliary programs are helpful for private schools. Hint: it’s a bit more involved than simply boosting profits outside of tuition fees.

A New Source of Revenue

Let’s take a look at the numbers from a recent report by the National Business Officers Association (NBOA). According to the report on summer camps, “ancillary programs are often overlooked as a source of revenue generation, despite having the potential to generate significant funds.”

While that might seem like an obvious statement, the figures are worth studying. The report estimates that private schools could generate up to five times as much revenue from auxiliary enrichment programs as they did from tuition back in 2015.

While a Fall 2022 report from the National Association of Independent Schools hints that revenue from afterschool programs isn’t quite as high today, it remains a huge benefit for private schools. And that benefit isn’t just about stuffing pockets. It’s about using this revenue to reinvest in the school and its staff.

Contrary to popular belief, private schools don’t have endless resources to pull from. Revenue sourced from auxiliary programs can be funneled into a variety of necessary and often-overlooked areas. For example, a private school might be able to invest in its teachers by funding a trip to an important conference or a certification program. Similarly, funds could also be used to invest in new facilities, like a library or gym.

In addition to fostering greater community support, auxiliary enrichment programs also provide students with an opportunity to explore their interests outside of the classroom. This gives them a chance to develop soft skills. In other words, auxiliary programming is becoming a more ingrained part of school culture at many private institutions.

Deeper Education & Stronger Communities

Clearly, there’s a financial incentive for private schools to offer auxiliary programs. But the long-term benefits, including those unrelated to profits, can’t be understated. Money aside, enrichment programs are viewed as part of the educational investment made by many parents. After all, a private school should go beyond the bounds of academia to instill greatness in its alumni.

Simply put, auxiliary programs help private schools provide a more well-rounded education. According to the NBOA report, “auxiliary programs can provide students with a variety of activities, services, and products that supplement the academic curriculum.”

For example, if a school offers auxiliary programming like a club, students can explore their interests—from the arts to sciences—while still maintaining good grades. Similarly, if a school offers summer camps, students can gain valuable skills and knowledge outside of the classroom. This type of supplemental education is becoming a must for many parents who want their children to stand out from the crowd when it’s time to apply to college.

But it’s also about actively building school culture. Auxiliary programs can help private schools build a sense of community. According to the NBOA report, “auxiliary programs can provide a way for students to connect with each other and develop relationships.”

For example, if a school offers a robotics club, students can form relationships with each other as they work together on various projects. They can make friends, explore their interests, and get more out of their education. Similarly, if a school offers summer camps, students can form relationships with each other as they explore new places and experiences.

An Important Component of the Overall Experience

Overall, auxiliary programs can be a great way to generate revenue and provide a well-rounded education for private schools. The NBOA report states that “auxiliary programs have the potential to generate significant funds and help schools provide a more well-rounded education to their students.”

For these reasons, afterschool programs should be viewed as financial opportunities for institutions—and these opportunities should center around reinvesting in the school. Additionally, auxiliary programs should contribute toward a school’s overall mission and identity, helping connect and empower students.


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