"Build Back Better" Must Include Enrichment Too

Ruby G.
July 24, 2024
December 17, 2020
2 min read

Parents everywhere agree that high-quality after school programs empower kids to learn, create, stay safe and bridge gaps for working families. In the coming year, after school enrichment is more significant than ever to the wellbeing and success of children as both a social emotional learning tool and a proven way to narrow achievement and opportunity gaps post COVID-19.

How can your school tap into the power of enrichment as a vehicle for social emotional learning and a tool for shaping the success of students, while emerging stronger than ever?  We’ve pulled together some expert resources that will help get your program back on track and ready to meet the changing needs of your school community:

1. Take a moment to be inspired by the power of after school programs on students

After School Alliance published a report showcasing how afterschool programs are supporting learning and recovering during COVID-19. Read it here

We agree with what Tony Smith, former Illinois State Superintendent and Oakland Unified School District Superintendent shared, "One of the certainties as we navigate through this pandemic is that all children will benefit from being well known, well cared for, and well prepared. Afterschool programs have a long history of designing programs based on what young people need in order to help them be healthier and more ready to learn. Together schools and community organizations can co-design the future of learning in ways that interrupt historic inequities and help ALL young people emerge from this crisis strong, resilient and hopeful."

2. Learn strategies for how your school can create learning opportunities for all young people

Nation at Hope’s report, From a Nation at Risk to a Notion at Hope, has gathered recommendations from the National Commission on Social, Emotional & Academic Development. 

This comprehensive resource includes strategies for how schools and communities can create learning environments that foster the comprehensive development of all young people. "When districts and schools commit to focusing on students’ comprehensive development, the academic success and the welfare of students rise powerfully together."

3. Consider running a summer enrichment program 

Enrichment this summer may be just what children need to shape healthy development and balance the disruptions of the last school year.  This recorded webinar and rich resource collection illustrate how summer experiences can prepare children for the future.

Like Aaron Dworkin, CEO, National Summer Learning Association states, "And one of the things we like to say about why summer can be so special and life-changing, is it's time for improvement, targeted improvement."

4. Discover the practical realities on how to open after school  

Afterschool Alliance has curated a number of resources for after school programs preparing to welcome their communities back.  

Enrichment organizers and providers who want to harness support for the return of afterschool programs from their school community will find these outreach templates from Afterschool Alliance helpful.  Included in both English and Spanish the templates enable program leaders to reach out personally to coordinate feedback and support for programs at school.

As we support school enrichment programs, providers and families on the journey back to in-person learning after school, we welcome PTOs, school administrators, enrichment organizers, educators and parents to reach out with ideas, stories and questions. Your collaboration will help us ensure that schools are empowered to build back enrichment programs that better serve all students. 

Want to find out how Homeroom can help, learn more here


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