How to Stay Sane During Peak Registration Period

Chloe K.
July 24, 2024
April 2, 2023
2 min read

PTO and PTA volunteers work tirelessly to ensure students have high-quality afterschool enrichment programs available. With popular classes sometimes filling up within minutes, there are many responsibilities that volunteers have to manage in order to keep the program running smoothly during registration season. To help make the registration process smoother, here are some helpful tips for PTO and PTA volunteers.

Streamline Registration

To help streamline the registration process, offer an online registration system that allows parents to easily and quickly sign up for afterschool enrichment classes. When selecting a system, make sure it works seamlessly on phones and automatically turns on a waitlist if the class is full.

Families booking activities on their phones means fewer emails to coordinators because they can enroll their kids anytime. Selecting a solution with automatic waitlists also cuts down on the time-consuming task of keeping a manual waitlist.

Develop a Communication Plan

Establish a clear and effective communication plan so that parents know what to expect during the registration process. In your emails, flyers, and newsletters, let families know when registration opens and how to enroll for afterschool programs and classes. If possible, consider providing one website link that lists all the important information a parent might need.

Setting up an FAQ page to answer common questions and providing parents with an easy way to contact you with any additional questions or concerns can help too. Be sure to keep a focus on that FAQ section. The more time and effort you put into anticipating parent needs and questions about afterschool programs, the more efficient your FAQ page will be.

Manage Expectations

As much as possible, try to manage expectations for parents and volunteers. Set clear guidelines and deadlines to help avoid any confusion. Make sure to communicate any changes or updates to the parents promptly so that everyone is working with updated information.

Similar to an FAQ page, keeping parents updated on the latest changes is one way to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Stay organized

Last but not least, staying organized is key during the registration period. Make sure vendors have completed the school district’s requirements, rosters are shared with the school’s front office staff, and families know when there is a no-activity day.

Staying Afloat by Thinking Ahead

By implementing these tips, PTO and PTA volunteers can improve the registration process and reduce the stress associated with managing the various tasks involved.

In addition to following these guidelines, many volunteers are turning to solutions like Homeroom, which is designed specifically for managing afterschool enrichment programs through software and a specialized, hands-on approach.


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